Support to Succeed Evaluation

This study is to evaluate whether the Support to Succeed employment programme among those aged 50 plus is meeting expectations.

The Centre for Ageing Better have asked the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), to carry out this study to evaluate whether the Support to Succeed employment programme among those aged 50 plus is meeting expectations. This employment programme was commissioned by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority. 

About the study

The evaluation research seeks to understand:

  • How people are finding out about the Support to Succeed programme
  • Who the programme is reaching
  • What aspects are working well and what aspects have worked less well
  • What difference the programme is making for people who receive the support 

By taking part, you will be helping those delivering and funding the programme to understand if the programme is making a difference and to capture learning about how the programme could be improved. If you decide to take part, we will not tell Ageing Better or the Greater Manchester Combined Authority or anyone else what you specifically have said.

Who can take part?

We are interested in speaking to people who are currently participating in the Support to Succeed programme.

Please note, this evaluation research is separate to the Support to Succeed programme. Whether you decide to participate in the research or not will not in any way affect the support you receive from the Support to Succeed programme. If you agree to be contacted about the research, you may be contacted even if you leave the programme, unless you tell us not to. 

What will it involve?

If you decide to take part, you will take part in one or two interviews, each lasting 45 to 60 minutes with a member of the NatCen research team. The interviews will take place online via a video call, but if you have a preference for a face-to-face interview, this can also be arranged.

NatCen will ask your permission to invite you to a second interview at the end of the first interview, if this is relevant for you. The second interview will cover similar topics to the first interview.

The topics covered in the first interview will include:

  • A bit about you and the circumstances that have led you to engage in the programme
  • How you found out about the programme and your expectations for it
  • What support you were offered and engaged with and any challenges faced
  • Whether the support offered has made a difference to your circumstances

There are no right or wrong answers, and you do not need to prepare anything in advance, we just want to hear about your views and experiences. 

If you indicate you are interested in participating in the research, you will be asked for your consent for data related to your participation in the programme to be shared with the NatCen team. When signing the original consent to share, you agreed to allow NatCen access to some of this information in an anonymised form (a link to the privacy notice is included on the new consent form), but your consent will be sought to link your name to the data specific to you. This is entirely voluntary and NatCen will not have access to this information without your explicit permission. This data would include demographic data (including age, gender, ethnicity, education, disability status, benefits received); support needs you had coming into the programme; support you’ve accessed and related outcomes; documents related to your programme participation (including action plan, notes made by your key worker, feedback on interventions). NatCen will use this data to inform the interview discussion.

Only NatCen, and trusted people at The Growth Company, such as your keyworker and the key staff delivering the programme, will know you have taken part. Everything you say will be confidential and anonymous. None of the information that you share with NatCen will be shared with any Government departments or any other third parties. 

The only situation where we might share something you talk about with a third party is if you say something which we believe puts you or another person at significant risk of harm. In that case, we will have to seek advice from senior colleagues at our workplace who are specially trained. They will decide on the next steps, which could include contacting the relevant authorities or taking no action. We will always try to discuss this with you first. 

At the start of the interview, we will ask your permission to audio record the discussion, so we have an accurate record of what was said. We will store your information securely. McGowan Transcription will transcribe the interviews. Only McGowan Transcription and the NatCen research team will have access to the recordings. 

Do I have to take part?

You do not have to take part and you can change your mind at any time. If you do agree to take part in an interview, you can choose not to answer questions or talk about any experiences that you do not want to discuss. You can also take a break from the interview or withdraw from the interview without giving us a reason. 

You have the right to change your mind about participating in the research at any time up to May 31st, which is when we will begin to analyse the interviews. If you do change your mind and no longer want to take part in this research, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing or calling 0808 281 9514 free of charge.

Who is carrying out the research?

The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) will be carrying out the research. The research is being carried out for the Centre for Ageing Better. 

Contact us

If you have any further questions or would like to discuss the research, please contact us using the details below. 
Phone: 0808 281 9514

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