Understanding Workplace Cases of Disability Discrimination: Employees

What is the research about?

Acas has asked the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) to carry out a study to better understand workplace disability discrimination (DD) cases, and why there has been a rise in the number of DD cases proceeding to Employment Tribunal claims and hearings. The research seeks to understand:

By taking part, you will help Acas gain information that will assist in creating advisory content to prevent disability discrimination claims arising or help resolve them before they escalate. As part of this project, we will also be speaking to employers who have received a DD claim. However, we will not discuss the same case with employers and employees. 

Who can take part?

We are interested in speaking to people who have experienced disability discrimination (DD) and submitted a claim to the Employment Tribunal. We are interested in people whose claim reached one of two outcomes: people whose claims were settled during Acas conciliation; and people whose claims proceeded to an Employment Tribunal hearing.

As part of the study, we will also be speaking to employers who have had a DD claim made against them.

If you decide to take part, we will not tell Acas, or anyone else, that you have taken part or what you specifically have said.

What will taking part involve?

  • If you decide to take part, you can do so online or by telephone in an interview lasting between 45 minutes and one hour. The interview will take place in February/March 2024 and will be conducted via MS Teams or by telephone.
  • The interview will be conducted by a NatCen researcher.
  • You will be asked about:
    • the circumstances surrounding your disability discrimination claim; 
    • the response to the claim; 
    • the process by which it was handled, including the outcome of the case; 
    • your experience with Acas conciliation; 
    • and if relevant your experience of the Employment Tribunal.
  • There are no right or wrong answers, we just want to hear about your views and experiences. You may want to re-familiarise yourself with your case beforehand by reviewing any relevant documentation. 
  • NatCen will offer you a £40 Love2Shop voucher, or equivalent donation to one of a choice of charities, as a thank you for taking part in the interview.

Do I have to take part?

You do not have to take part and you can change your mind at any time. If you do agree to take part in an interview, you can choose not to answer questions or talk about any experiences that you do not want to discuss. You can also take a break during the interview or withdraw from the interview without giving us a reason. 

If you change your mind and no longer want to take part in this research, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing AcasDDstudy@natcen.ac.uk or calling 0808 168 2153 for free.

Can I have specific arrangements to enable me to participate?

Yes. The recruiter who arranged the interview with you should have discussed if you have any specific requirements to help you take part. For example, you may want to take breaks during the interview, see a list of the topics to be discussed before the interview or you may need us to use Live Closed Captioning to help you follow the interview. If required, a BSL interpreter will be made available. If there is anything else we can do to help you participate, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing AcasDDstudy@natcen.ac.uk or ring 0808 168 2153 for free. 

What will happen to the information I give?

Everything you say will remain anonymous in line with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR). This means we will not tell anyone that you have taken part in the study or what you specifically have said.

With your permission, we will audio-record the interview. The recording will be kept securely and destroyed 6 months after the research is complete. 

We will use the information from the interviews to write a report for Acas. It will not be possible to identify any individuals or organisations in the report. 

Contact the research team 

If you have any questions about NatCen or about this study, or would like this information in a different format, please contact the research team on: AcasDDstudy@natcen.ac.uk or call us for free on 0808 168 2153. You can also use these contact details to let us know about any accessibility requirements that would help you to take part.

You can read more about this research, including how your data will be used here: natcen.ac.uk/acasDDstudy. This page also includes details of organisations who can provide support if anything around this research has raised upsetting feelings.

If you would like this information sheet in large print or an audio format, please contact us on 0808 168 2153 or email AcasDDstudy@natcen.ac.uk.